Global Partner of the year for 2017

‘iOra Acquisition Enterprises LLC Fleet, UK November 2017. iOra the world leader in providing software for replicating data over challenging networks is pleased to announce that iOra today award Myriad Technologies as iOra Global Partner of the year for 2017. The award has been made in recognition of their world leading technical skills, specifically with Microsoft SharePoint, that has culminated in the delivery applications for customers that are yielding dramatic new operational capabilities. In Military, Policing and National Security, Myriad Technologies has led the way in terms of innovative solutions for our joint customers.
“From the outset we knew that Myriad were the right partner for us to engage in this region. Over the last years iOra and Myriad have needed to work closely to build the very best possible solutions for the Australian market” commented Poynter iOra Product Director. “iOra produces technology that helps Myriad to clearly differentiate our commercial offering, and we look forward to working with iOra in the future.” Perry Smith Managing Director Myriad.